Friday, September 27, 2013


Baby is doing better. Left eye still funky, wobbly on her feet. She wants held all the time.

Danny helped watch over her today.

Boys are little HEATHENS

For crying outloud! Boys are little HEATHENS! Shut the finger in the car door...days later have to go have it gave him a choice two days ago...splint or drain...he picked the splint..NO choice today!

He says it was worth it! After a lollypop, cookie, and ice cream he says he would do it again! **facepalm**

Thursday, September 26, 2013

BabyLove had a stroke

I got up this morning and Baby was NOT well. She was listing to the left, not supporting herself at all, head hanging down, not looking right in the eyes.

Oh my...NOT cool! Our vet (2 min) would "try" to work her in about 11:30 ..they were busy with COWS.

Called back up vet in Corydon (17 miles)....vets out with COWS. Fuck the cows my cat is dying!

Called a vet in Knoxville (30 miles) and they could get her in before I could even get there!

Yup a little stroke. By then she was doing a little better...very wobbly but was walking and had ate.

Doc gave her antibiotics for the cyst that NEVER heals, long lasting so I don't have to give her more.
Cortisone for the dizziness. And treated for fleas...duh...I was treating the kitten but never thought of her giving them to BabyLove! Bad mommy :(

He did blood work cause she is so old...13 yrs come November. Everything looks great! Well other than what the infection was messing up.

Back home..she is resting a lot...making dogs leave her alone.

I was soo scared I was gonna lose her. She was cuddled in my arms for about 1/2 hr this morning before we left..she doesn't usually cuddle...lay on your lap, not cuddle under your neck!

She is better. Now to make her STAY better!

Boys a safe table

Asked Ben if it would be possible to switch tops from the boys new table to the old frame. Because the new frame is messed up and I am afraid they will get hurt on it. “Sure I don’t see why not. I’ll see what I can do”. A MONTH AGO!!!

24 screws out, 12 screws in
Safe table for two little boys….Is that so fucking hard to do? 10 mins..and that included going out to get the old table and getting the screw driver out of the drawer...

Now to take out staples and pop out 12 rovers and recover with car track material…recycling, reusing, reworking…stuff I am good at. Boys will have a safe table and a car track for camping play…win long as I do it myself … teach me to get too dependent on a man…

6 million staples … 12 rivets later…KMA….I’ll do it myself…half hour, start to finish, now on to the fun stuff…
Too late to start it now but will cover it tomorrow...or over the weekend..depends...on lol...vacation starts on Monday and I do want them to have it to play on at the campgrounds.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Garment bag for doll clothes

I ran across this pattern a few weeks ago. I thought it would be sooo cute for storing holiday clothes.
I want to make them from the same material as the holiday.

PixieFair is the site I love to look at. Once in a while I buy. But most of the clothes I can make myself.

So tonight I just had to try the pattern! I haven't got an outfit done to put in it yet lol..I have GOT to get to sewing those!

You hang them over a hanger. So if needed to be out of the way they could hang in the closet even. Only 4 more of these to make and the corresponding outfits! I think my weekends are planned out lol.. They look small but they are 9" x 7 3/4" so not too little. They will hold an outfit and the shoes. So I think they are a good size. I can always alter the pattern if needed lol...

It's funny, I really, really, really detest orange! But at Halloween it seems I like it! Jeez...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Glasses Versus Vacation Money

Any guess which wins? Guess our vacation will just be the same old, same old :(
My glasses broke tonight. Well the hinge did. I will go to the optometrist tomorrow and see if they have an earpiece. If so I will save up for new ones. They are only about $600 grrrr...
If they don't have one I have the money to get new ones.
Just won't have any extra to enjoy during vacation. Figures. Something always comes up!
Figured if I have to use tape I am gonna use decorative style lol.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dolly Socks

Rofl...Dollies need socks too!.

Aren't they adorable???

 I love making them but it is a little tedious. I used low cut socks because I liked the patterns. But it makes more work! I have to cut off the ribbing, cut out the 5" wide section for the sock and sew the ribbing back on then sew up the sock! But now dolly has socks lol..

4 pair knee high and 2 pair slouch...I have socks for many more but was tired of them lol..

Hangers of course

Every closet had to have hangers!

Doll hangers are expensive!

So I was bound and determined to make them cheaper.

Wire hangers

18 gauge floral wire. $1.79 for 20 pieces at Ben Franklin.

Ben made me a neat jig!

Wood Hangers

 I made wood hangers from jumbo craft sticks for the heavier things like the fur coat.

I didn't take a picture of the jig in use but Ben got me these boards and I clamp them up with parchment paper.

Doll closet

I went online looking for a way to make a cheap doll closet because the premade are EXPENSIVE!
I found this one,
Wasn't exactly what I wanted, but closer!

Found it!

But we are going to put a vanity on one door like this one,

And a shoe hanger like this one on the other side,

I got the cabinet at Target and Ben went to work,

 My pretty closet! I didn't want the white cabinet. I wanted darker wood.

Repurpose denim shirt

I have always meant to do this to a denim shirt. I finally got around to it!

With supervision of course!

I am still going to replace the collar, cuffs, and pocket flaps with lace that is lined with white material.

Pattern organizing

Woohoo! I finally figured out a way to organize my patterns! I love love love it! I can find a pattern anytime! Now to find my patterns! They are all over!

Found this site and love the way she organized!


The patterns are in numbered or alphabetical by categories!
Gives me a place to keep sewing books, patterns, and even my sewing brag book! Oh yea!