Monday, May 30, 2011

Weekly Odds and Ends

I thought I would start a new category for misc pictures.

No part of my house is safe from trains!

Chase, my dog...I think he may have lost a LITTLE  weight...still a longs ways to go!
Swimming pool will get filled this week...we go to the water dept and pay for the water, so we don't have to pay sewage fee...then we call the fire department to fill it. It will cost about $50 total. Can't wait! Ben just put a little water in it to keep it from blowing away.

Hardy gloxnia is blooming this year.

Lots fo weeding to do lol...

Misc flowers....

Train Scenes

Just a few pics of the layout.

Ben planted more elfin thyme on cemetery hill.

Hicksville...I need to clean up. Wonder if model train towns have clean-up day?

Ben's pinks (diantus) are blooming so pretty.

I don't remember what kind of dwarf tree this is...cypress something I think.... It grows real slow and stays small.

Refuel yard....water tower and coaling tower...

Hot and Wet Week

The garden has done well and growing even through all the rain this week.

Pasta Basket doing well, tomato (patio tomato) is blooming

This is a bush Early Girl. Only supposed to get 24" tall, I wasn't paying attention or this one would have been in the basket. Because I don't know how tall a patio tomato gets. We'll see.

Been picking about a handful of strawberries every day this week. Don't mind the shop vac, Ben uses it to suck up maple whirlygigs.

New Cherry bushes growing like weeds. This is the tallest one.

Salad beds growing, peas going up the trellis. I eat a lot of greens lol....seed I planted last week not up yet of course.

Zucchini and butternut squash growing, still impatient to see them grow up the trellis!

I have two out of three Mammoth Sunflowers coming up in the blueberry/asparagus bed.

I wonder if I'll get any scapes. I will have to try to make sure I plant the right kind of garlic this fall. The garlic leaves are just starting to turn yellow so it will be a month probably till garlic harvest.

Everything growing good. Even have a couple of little broccolies developing! And pole beans are starting to come up! Ben is going to put up the frame for a trellis this next weekend.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Now for a post for Ben

Just a couple of quick pictures of spots in SP&P.

Ben took the lemon thyme off of the cemetery hill. It spreads to much and he felt it was too big. He replaced it with woolly thyme. Same as I used in the yard of the farm house. He will put the cemetery back up when the woolly thyme grows, probably next year.

Farm house...the grass in the yard is woolly thyme.

Train Station outside of Hicksville

Bits and pieces

Look at my honeysuckle take off! This is actually the side that has the honeysuckle
Tammy had. I dug it up when I got the trellis. I have to take a picture of the other side still.

I still have sooo much to plant! Anyone care to help? And I have to mow and weed and weed eat….and it is going to rain again….grrrrr….

More planted and more to go!

Today my back is better so I CAREFULLY played in the yard.
Salad Bed I
I took out the lettuce that was not doing much…it is getting late for it to try. I planted sweet peas there.
I will plant more of them when the peas are done.
In the spot where my first planting of radishes were, I planted Swiss Chard. The arugula was an experiment that I liked so I will try the chard this year. It is supposed to do well in hot weather also.

Salad Bed II

I planted Asian beans in the two empty squares in back by the panel.
Nasturtiums are planted in the corner, bush beans in two of the spots in the front row.
Still have to plant the marigolds.

I love the cattle panel trellis! I bet the beans and sweet peas growing up it will
make a great hiding place for Alex!
Bed I
Bush beans in where I took out the bell peppers that got frost bit..
Nasturtiums in the front right corner. Still need the marigolds lol..

Bed II
Cucumbers and pole beans in the back row waiting for Ben to put up a trellis.
He still has a couple of weeks till I can fuss…ok maybe three, depends on how fast
They grow!
Nasturtiums in the front corner with marigolds still waiting

I planted three giant sunflowers in the back of the blueberry/asparagus bed.
If they grow it will look cool! You can't see them but the blueberries are still alive!

Zucchini and butternut growing fast! I can’t wait to see if they grow up the panel!

The tomato sauce basket is doing great!