Friday, March 30, 2012


Ben got me a 5x5 pop up greenhouse at Menards for $80! I love it! And my babies do too!

My babies love it!
Now I am not so crazy about checking the temp all the time...but I'll get used to it! And it is only for the spring and fall..
I will take it down and put it back up in the fall over a 4x4 to extend the season/

Seed mat tray went boom

The cookbooks on the shelf above fell on the light and that pushed my warming tray off! Now I have no idea what is what! At least is didn't knock my seedlings off!

Seed starting

Yup it is that time of year. Because I have a amour for my laptop where my grow  cabinet was, this year Ben set me up a light over the cabinet in the kitchen.


The garden is doing well

I have potato onions that I am trying out this year.
Supposed to be able to NOT buy onions in a couple of years..just save and replant like I do garlic.
They are funny looking!

Speaking of garlic..Ben made me an awesome 4x6 bed for trying garlic last fall..picked 4 different kinds and planted 30 bulbs of each..Darned if they didnt almost ALL come up! So I have garlic to try this summer. The one or two I like best I will continue to plant. NO MORE BUYING GARLIC! lol....


Lots of things in bloom today.

Lilacs -- Dark purple not blooming yet.

My flowering almond the kids got me tree years ago for Mother's Day.

The redbud tree next door

My honeysuckle


The little tree the kids got me a few years ago

but not my butterfly bush lol..Ben ran over it with the lawn mower..but it will come has green at the crown.

And some hyacinths I planted this year in my basket.

And I can't forget the flowering crab apple tree.